Thursday, February 7, 2008

" Expections vs. Reality

.What i expect out of my senior year is to do good in all of my classes and to graduate and i expected all these great things im passing all my classes and i kno 4 sure that im goin 2 graduate on june 9 2008 i expected all of my classmates to pass all there classes and from the looks of it there passing if not thats on them ,in reality i see myself a very smart and successful young lady im going to become a lawyer and i kno im goin 2 succed in it i hope i do my best after high school cause i really looking forward to this as my career my senior year is almost ova and i cant wait

1 comment:

Chy's World! said...

you is a lame and why do you have my man up on yo page especially with his shirt half way off.