Friday, February 15, 2008

A Time I Give Someone Good Advice

A time that i gave someone good advice would be to my friend Bianna, because bianna have been though alot of things in her life like she have gotten beaten by her stepfather and wen she tryed to tell her mother she didnt even believe her i mean like thats my friend and i was gon be by her side no matter wat .Bianna used to sleep outside wen her mother would kick her out for arguing wit her boyfriend and i mean that was unfair to me so my mommie being the nice person that she is let Bianna come stay wit us for a litttle while . there were times that bianna wanted to kill herself wen she wanted to do drugs and even wen she became gay for a while i mean but me being a good friend i talked to her and prayed wit her that everything would be alright, now Bianna is 18 years old have a job , a boyfriend and even to beautiful twins a girl named Tamayah and a boy named Tarion and they are 11 months now they mean the world to her ,even though me and Bianna are not that cool anymore i still love her and she will always be in my heart.

1 comment:

Princess#1 said...

Awhhhh that's so sweet keep on lovin her and don't block yo blessins either.