Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Who Is Mi Role Model "

My role model would have to be my mommie, because she is always there for me no matter wat .She has been in my life for 17 years and in 2 months that would make 18 years . Me and mi mommie sometimes have are ups and downs but thats how things work. Weneva i needed advice she was always there for me. I love mi mommie she is the best gift that god has eva gave to me and thats why iam blessed to have a angel like that bein apart of mi life .Iam a very spoilled little girl but who cares if i want it i get it. I feel that everybody should have someone special to look up to im not saying that it has to be ur mommie but it should . They brung u on this earth and u only could have one mommie so treat them good cause u never kno wat could happen to them ..................THATS Y I LOVE YOU MOMMIE YOU ARE MY HEART AND SOUL AND DONT YOU EVER 4GET THAT WITOUT YOU I FEEL THATS IT NO ME .

Monday, March 31, 2008

" The Only Way To Have A Friend Is To Be One"

The only way to have a friend is to be one i think that this true because you have to be a good friend in order to have one. You cant be a friend that likes talkin behind your friend bac. You have to be there for your friend jus as well as there there for you. You cant be no friend that is scary, thats a lier, that stole from you, you want somebody to be as honest to you as possible and that will stand up for you even if you are in the wrong. Thats what friendship is about you can share things wit your friend and they share things wit you 2. Thats my opinion about bein a good friend to somebody i feel that im a really good friend to all my friends im always there for them when they need me .


Friday, March 14, 2008

"What Im Expecting My 18th B-Day 2 B Like"

My birthday is June 15 and i cant wait i been waitin on this day forever and wen it get here i hope that it really b the way i expected it . I expect it to be sunny and very hot outside i want lots of balloons, gifts,money, and mi favorite a winnie the pooh birthday cake. I expect on mi birthday to have my car and to have mi birthday party that mi uncle promised me about . I really hope this birthday is off the chains cause i have alot to celebrate this year like mi prom May 23, mi gradution June 9 and then here comes mi birthday and i cant wait i hope these lil 3 months hurry up

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"The Ultimate Driving Experience"

If i could drive any time of car it would probably be a alexis because i love those types of cars my location that i would travel to is jamaica with Chris Brown . While we were together we would talk about like his career and mi career then we would probably would go shopping, go out to eat and maybe catch a movie or something later that day wen the sun is comin down me and his sexy self would go for a swim at the beach. I kno this day would be great i could smell the freshen in the air smellin like roses the scent of his cologne would drive me crazy wen we go to are bestest point it would be jamaica hottest club the club looked like shining lights lots of beautiful people there and the best part i would love the best is walkin in the club feelin like a celebrity i would feel like i really got to heaven that day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Good Experience Wit My Favorite Teacher"

Good experience that i had wit would have to be Ms. Ingram i had her my sopohmore and junior year of high school and she has been great. If there wasnt any other teacher i could talk to then she was there . She is a very cool and down to earth teacher even tho sometimes she has her moods but everybody gets like that sometimes i jus want to thank her for everything that she helped me wit because she didnt have to go out her way and sit there and talk to me so thank you Ms. Ingram for everything.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


If I were a month I would be: June
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Rose
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: Piano
If I were a time of day I would be: 6:00
If I were a sea animal I would be: Seal
If I were a historical figure I would be: Madam C.J. Walker
If I were a stone or gem, I would be: Diamond
If I were a bird, I would be: Parrot
If I were an animal, I would be: Bird
If I were a color, I would be: Yellow
If I were an emotion, I would be: Attitude
If I were a vegetable, I would be: Broocii
If I were a sound, I would be: Music
If I were a car, I would be: Alexis
If I were a song, I would be: Pimp In Me
If I were a movie, I would be: Friday
If I were a food, I would be: Maccorri
If I were a place, I would be: Club
If I were a material or fabric, I would be: Silk
If I were a scent, I would be: Victoria Secret
If I were a word, I would be: Ummmmmmm
If I were a subject in school I would be: Math
If I were a comic book character I would be: None
If I were a shape I would be: Triangle

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Appearance Is Not So Important

Why appearance isnt imporant to me is because it shouldnt matter what type of shoes or clothes somebody has on, like for example i could have on a new outfit and have the most nastiest attitude eva but i feel that people should judge one another. i mean im not the type of person to judge someone and i feel people shouldnt do the same . it not a big deal to me cause its not important it stupid and it doesnt make any sense do that all i really have to say about this

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Time I Give Someone Good Advice

A time that i gave someone good advice would be to my friend Bianna, because bianna have been though alot of things in her life like she have gotten beaten by her stepfather and wen she tryed to tell her mother she didnt even believe her i mean like thats my friend and i was gon be by her side no matter wat .Bianna used to sleep outside wen her mother would kick her out for arguing wit her boyfriend and i mean that was unfair to me so my mommie being the nice person that she is let Bianna come stay wit us for a litttle while . there were times that bianna wanted to kill herself wen she wanted to do drugs and even wen she became gay for a while i mean but me being a good friend i talked to her and prayed wit her that everything would be alright, now Bianna is 18 years old have a job , a boyfriend and even to beautiful twins a girl named Tamayah and a boy named Tarion and they are 11 months now they mean the world to her ,even though me and Bianna are not that cool anymore i still love her and she will always be in my heart.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mi Valentine's Day 2008

Valentine's day started off good wen i first got up my mommie brought me alot of presents i was so happy then like wen i got to skool then everythin changed for me i really did not feel like bein around anybody , i tryed not to be so mean but i jus couldnt help it but like lata on i kno that i will feel betta because i was gon spend time wit my boyfriend and all my problems that i was havin earlier would wash away so i would be okay i jus need some time to myself thats all but other then that i will be okay im not gon let my problems get to me im gon enjoy my day.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

" Expections vs. Reality

.What i expect out of my senior year is to do good in all of my classes and to graduate and i expected all these great things im passing all my classes and i kno 4 sure that im goin 2 graduate on june 9 2008 i expected all of my classmates to pass all there classes and from the looks of it there passing if not thats on them ,in reality i see myself a very smart and successful young lady im going to become a lawyer and i kno im goin 2 succed in it i hope i do my best after high school cause i really looking forward to this as my career my senior year is almost ova and i cant wait


The perfect day for me would be the day that i first meet my boyfriend jonathan i remember it like it was yesterday we were in eigth grade and my play brother kendall came to me and told me that somebody like me before he could point jonathan out he was already was over there , i looked at jonathan and said he was really cute , my friends had said the same thing , jonathan asked me what was my name and did i have a boyfriend i told him no and he asked can he call me sometimes and of course i said yeah , me and him started talkin and we have been together for 4 years now and is truly in love we spend everyday with each other unless i have 2 go work .

Thursday, January 31, 2008


My Name Is Brandi im 17 years old, iam in love with winnie the pooh, im about to graduate from high school i like being with my boyfriend , hanging with my friends , shoppin , and talkin on the phone . Iam the only child on my mommie side so of course im very spollied on my daddie side there are alot of us i dont really know all of them i only kno 2 of my sista's and thats my oldest sista LaSaundra who's 18 and my lil sista Kaylynn who's 13 i love both of them with all my heart . Then comes my mommie she loves me to death and i feel the same about her she my everything .I kno everbody have that favorite cuzin n there life and my fav is my cuzin Valencia a.k.a. Veve she's there by my side kno matter what . I have alot of close friends that i can really jus sit down or talk on the phone wit like VeVe,LaSaundra, Chyanne, Nakia, Galisa, Jeanette,Pinky, Katherine and if i 4got any body then u kno i luv you and last and not least a can't 4get about my man Jonathan he been there for me kno matter what he's always there 2 help me with any problems and that's y i luv him the way i do that's all about me